- Award Winnng Author -

Gary Every
These collected works reflect a diverse background from an author who has worked as a mountain biking instructor, soccer coach, photgrapher, geology exploration crew member, hiking guide, bonfire storyteller, dishwasher, chef, carpeter, and piano player. The author feels that his work divides evenly into thirds, either poetry, prose, and fiction or beatnik, nature, and science fiction, so come along for the ride!

Battling the Hydra
ISBN-978 - 1468120103
Come along with award winning author Gary Every on a series of encounters with animals, wrestling with giant snakes, being chased by bears, bighorn sheep and badgers. There are experiences with turkeys, tarantulas, terror birds, and tigers of the saber toothed variety inside these pages. There are mountain lion sightngs and the hilarious story of the cross eyed sheep of Montana. The author reminisces about wild mustangs in Nevada, bald eagle over Puget Sound, and the Halloween feast of the javalina. With photography, prose and poetry Gary Every explores the world of beasts in his first bestiary.

The Saint and the Robot
The Saint and The Robot is a steampunk retelling of a medieval legend concerning the young Thomas Aquinas, long before he became a saint. Enrolled in a university of alchemy led by Albertus Magnus this rollicking tale also features a mechanical butterfly, a trio of identical red headed sisters, a laboratory of strange devices, a robot wife, and a Philosopher's Stone which grant visions backwards and forwards in time. Suspense, intrigue, miscommunication and lots and lots of alchemy.

Shadow of the OhshaD
This book is a compilation of the best of award winning columnist Gary Every's newspaper articles. There are stories of Apache dances, saloon gunfights, World War Two heroes, female stagecaoch bandits, the O'odham saguaro fruit harvest, mammoths, jaguars, hores and bears oh my! These tales often historical, sometimes very peronal, always reflect a deep love of the landscape and cherished rememberance of the variety of people and cultures which have filled the Arizona landscape. There are stories of ghosts who rise up from the grave on horseback and gwhich echo from canyon wall to canyon wall. Some histories have been etched into stone and others largely forgotten but all of them make for compelling reading.

Drunken Astronomers
​A quick and quirky collection of poetry, all of it themed around the moon and stars. A quick glance at the table of contents reveals poems with titles like Drnken Astronomers, Instant Icons, Magic Bats, Moon Rainbows, Mars Shadow, Space Rust, Zeppelin Madness, Voyages of Discovery, Moon Horses, Industrial Romance, French Meteor, Space Zipper, Hohokam Eclipse, Canoestronauts, Moon Man, Only Blind Mammals Fly, Still Life With Moon and Raven, Persian Horses, and Archeoastronomy Etude